
Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Night - Savor the Moments

Family Night - Savor the Moments

Today was an awesome day!  Maddie decided to make dinner, so she found a great recipe on Pinterest, and she was off to the store.  I got some work done - trying to gear up for a very busy fall selling season with my Scentsy business.  When I went in the kitchen this afternoon, dinner was in the crockpot, Maddie made some chicken/brown sugar concoction, and a tomato/balsamic vinegar chutney to put on toasted french bread - man, it was GREAT!  Scott came home from work and we enjoyed our dinner together.  Thank you Madisen!

After dinner had time to settle (and we took a snooze for a few minutes), we went outside to play 4-square in the driveway.  I haven't played that in a LONG time!  The rule was, if you were out and the ball rolled down the hill, then the person who was out had to get the ball.  I'm pretty sure Dalton and I were the ones to get the ball the most.  Dalton got tired of running down the hill, so he grabbed the scooter (which he is a little big for), and scootered himself over to the ball.

It was a fun hour of family time.  We went back in the house and grabbed a drumstick ice cream cone, then watched a rerun of Duck Dynasty.  I also made some zucchini bread muffins. - YUM!  The best part of the evening:

Every once in a while if I'm sitting on the couch, Maddie will come lay down with her head on my lap. Tonight she grabbed my hand and held on to it for a while.  It was so sweet, and I really do cherish these moments because they don't happen often, and they won't happen for much longer.  In two more years, this girl will go off to college.  It's weird that we are heading into that empty nester stage very soon and I'm really not liking that idea very much.  It will take some major getting used to.  I'm so very blessed.

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