
Monday, April 7, 2008

What's the BIG idea!!

(C∩B)∩(A'∩B) Yep! I want to know who stays up at night thinking of ways to confuse me! Who's big fat idea was it to come up with all these math terms. To add letters in with numbers and put little rainbows in all different directions and call them weird names like intersection and union, and then change the names to "and" and "or", because that is even more confusing. All in all this quarter is going fine. I am taking MATH, the subject of my anxiety. I'm working through that though. I have to have 4 Math classes to take, so I better learn to play the "I'm GREAT at math" mind game. I didn't know I had an anxiety problem with "History after the 1920's", but I do. This is on account that I have a "NAZI" history teacher. I feel like a 3rd grader in his class. He made us count off to form a peer group, because we college students are not capable of doing that. A friend of mine and myself decided to take this class together so we can be study partners, that was the whole point of taking the class together, so I switch groups with a guy. My instructor told me he didn't usually allow that. Instead of making me move back, he was so mean to me through the rest of class, using me as an example of what "not-to-do" when we follow the "rules" of the syllabus. At the end of the first class, he has us all fill out contact information on index cards, which was fine. He then proceeded to have us write his East Indian name on the back without letting us see how it is spelled (I guess we were supposed to have his name memorized or something). He collected our notecards, then humuliated us in front of the class if we spelled his name wrong. At least it is only a quarter and not a semester. My adolec. psyc is going to be interesting. My instructor is right out of the "pot smoking" 60's and I think he had a few too many. He is fun to watch and makes the class interesting. The nice thing is that I have NO mid-terms and only a final in Math. I have some tests along the way, but they will be short and sweet I hope.


Cari said...

Gotto love School. Aren't your comments the same that our kids give us about school??? So funny. Don't forget Aaron can help you anytime through math, no sweat.

Michelle Johnson said...

Math! URG! I'm helping Sandy Hassakis with her math as well. She's not a big fan either. Bummer on the rotten teacher. I'm glad it is a short class. :)

Melissa said...

You are so lucky-I have midterms and finals in all of my classes this quarter and quizes sprinkled throughout also! I am also taking math and I know exactly how you feel! I almost wanted to cry on my first day!

little miss shortcake said...

i hate math - nothing makes sense and it all seems like stuff you would NEVER have to EVER use in real life!

tiffyinajiffy said...

I think those kinds of math problems are so much fun!! We got done with our unit on unions and intersections in my math class a few weeks ago. I loved doing those! :)

Alaskagirl said...

Not too much of a big fan of math!! I will get my tag done as soon as I feel better. Been under the weather for about 2 weeks now. UGH!!

Anne said...

My sister is a math genius. That's her major and I just don't understand how people's brains work that way. Good luck with this semester....especially Mr. History teacher.